error log

I have some 90 lines of a "batch" file that I use to make configuration choices. And to load packages. The file is a *.sh file. What CMD will log any errors to a log file?

I can redirect everything to a text file. But all I want is the errors redirected to a text file. Is FreeBSD smart enough to do this? I'm not. At lest not yet.

Is this used after every cmd?

zpool create zpool0 ad4s1d command 2>/path/to/error.log


command 2>/path/to/error.log
pkg_add -r gifsicle
pkg_add -r xorg

Thankyou for helping
Use the second option and redirect stderr of your script. Commands in the script will inherit the filedescriptor.
Use the second option and redirect stderr of your script. Commands in the script will inherit the filedescriptor.
I'm sorry but you are speaking a different language. I have no idea what to do.
