Easy way to create shortcuts to applications in Gnome 2.26.0

Good afternoon

Installed freeBSD 7.2 last week. After much reading i got Gnome configured properly (for at least the time being)

I am able to use the command # pkg_add -r (package name)to install the apps that i want.

I can launch apps thru the command line but is there a way to add the application to the application toolbar in Gnome?
(similar to Ubuntu for instance where the synaptic installer automatically places it in the applications directory)

Thank you!
Most gnome/gtk applications already do that. You may need to restart your gnome session for them to appear.
Thank u SirDice and ale.

sirdice - i tried exiting gnome session and then rebooting...no go.
the application in question is Wireshark (the lastest package)
I can run from command but that's it..?
Unde rmy applications drop down i have Acessorioes, Games, etc. Wireshark is not under any of those directories..
ale - i have not installed this add on yet but perhaps will...
I think that's not possible to have it added automatically because:
  1. no all apps provide a .desktop file - on ubuntu that file is created and added to the package
  2. unlike ubuntu there is no a default DE/WM

You can also try creating a file name wireshark.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications like this
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A network analyzer