Do I need to upgrade the dependencies of a single port to upgrading it properly ?

Hi guys,

Please help me to understand because I don't know how it works behind the scenes. What if I want to upgrade a single port, should I upgrade the dependencies as well or not? Or even should I upgrade the packages that rely on it?

I'm using portupgrade, so, for example what is the proper command to upgrade let's say x11-toolkits/gtk30? Which one of:
  1. portupgrade x11-toolkits/gtk30
  2. portupgrade -R x11-toolkits/gtk30
  3. portupgrade -r x11-toolkits/gtk30
  4. portupgrade -rR x11-toolkits/gtk30
I'm confused.

The last one would be the proper one. That updates all dependencies of gtk30, gtk30 itself, and all ports that depend on gtk30.
Would I achieve the same result If ran simply [cmd=]portupgrade <port>[/cmd] against every dependency manually? And would the sequence of this actions matter?
Supposed PortA needs updating and PortB depends on it. With just a portuprade PortA only that port will be updated. Normally with just a few minor changes this isn't a problem for PortB. But, for completeness and consistency PortB should be rebuilt. Usually if PortB depends that heavily on PortA, PortB would get a small version bump when PortA is updated. That pretty much guarantees it gets rebuilt when updating all your ports.
What about portmaster?

There's -r switch to build all ports that depends on it, but I don't see upward-recursive rebuild command. -R is used for something else.
portmaster -r is similar to portupgrade -r. If I'm not mistaken portmaster will always update dependencies (like portupgrade -R).
Sorry, I got that wrong; -r will go from bottom up (which I always think of as upward-recursive), which makes sense.

But it will not rebuild packages which are required by given port (as in portupgrade -R). Which is ok, since it's not necessary.
portmaster -f will rebuild a port and everything that depends on it.