Solved Do I need to have src files inside jail?


I have a jail with 10GB storage for my webserver and I am running out of storage space..
Looking at the file system I notice that I have over 2GB of data in /usr/src..
Question: Do I need the src file inside the jail?

I run FreeBSD 10.2 on ZFS

Thank you
Hi getopt

I have 3 jails...

I don't do any kernel stuff.
so I am safe to run this command or is there more to it?
rm -r /usr/src
You can always use the host to update/upgrade your jails directly by using DESTDIR as part of make installworld and -D /path option to mergemaster(8). There shouldn't be any need to have the sources in your jails unless you have so different src.conf(5) configuration for a jail that it can't be handled by building on the host. If that's the case don't copy the sources, use nullfs(5) mounts.