Solved Deleting non-existent ports tree

Yeah, weird title but i have the following problem:

I played with poudriere a few weeks ago and checked out a ports tree named "local" for it to use:
poudriere ports -c -p local -m git+https

After messing around with it, i deleted the directory without using the poudriere ports -d command (i didn't know better).

Now i wanted to try again and created another ports tree named "default".
poudriere ports -c -p default -m git+https

Poudriere now thinks the old, non-existent ports tree is still there (because i didn't use the proper command):
root@xxx:~ # poudriere ports -l
default   git+https 2021-11-19 19:05:08 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default
local     git+https 2021-11-05 11:36:47 /home/xxx/poudriere/ports/local   #<-- nonexistent

I want to make poudriere forget about the "local" ports tree but this doesn't work, it wants to delete the new one ("default")!
root@xxx:~ # poudriere ports -d local
[00:00:00] Are you sure you want to delete the ports tree default at /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default? [y/N] n
[00:00:08] Error: Not deleting ports tree

How do i make poudriere forget about the "local" ports tree?
Never mind, i didn't read the man page properly.
The correct command would be poudriere ports -d -p local

I leave this thread as a memorial of stupidity.