Custom Live Image on FreeBSD 13.0

Just looking for advice on the best way to create a LIVE system image that will run entirely in the system RAM?
I reviewed mfsbsd and I am not sure that'll work for me, but I was wondering if anyone here has used this or maybe tried another approach?

I am trying to complete the following task on the 13.0-RELEASE...

I would like to create a custom BSD image containing only certain packages that uses a desktop environment. This would only be for amd64 systems, I will worry about cross-compiling later, I just want to get this to work first.

Any advice?
Trying to execute ./build and I am getting "permission denied"?

I am running this as root in /usr/src as this is where I downloaded the source. I tried chmod -x and this still did not work. It's been so long since I compiled from source..
Maybe have a look at NomadBSD.

With added emphasis:

… LIVE system image that will run entirely in the system RAM …

For clarity, please: is the intention for user data (distinct from the operating system and apps) to be volatile; for all changes to be silently discarded at every shut down or reboot?

… the source. …

Which source code, specifically? Can you share any other relevant details? Thanks.