I'm trying to put together a build script for using crochet to build an RPi image, although I guess it could be adapted for other devices...
Here is what I've got so far:-
The sed script needs changing and maybe one or two other things but that is basically it.
I'm posting it here in case I forget how to use crochet . Others may find it useful too...
Here is what I've got so far:-
echo y | pkg install git subversion sqlite3 u-boot-rpi2
svn co https://svn0.us-west.freebsd.org/base/head /usr/src
git clone --non-interactive --trust-server-cert https://github.com/freebsd/crochet.git
cd ~/crochet
sed "s/#board_setup RaspberryPi2/board_setup RaspberryPi2/" config.sh.sample > config.conf
./crochet.sh -c config.conf
The sed script needs changing and maybe one or two other things but that is basically it.
I'm posting it here in case I forget how to use crochet . Others may find it useful too...