Creating a Root User with "pw"


I'm doing a script for add a user with privileges of root.

I can do this using adduser command and after editting this user with vipw.
I put uid 0 and gid 0 and works fine, but how can I do this with just one command?

pw useradd -n test ....

I tried .:
pw useradd -n test -u 0 -g 0 ...

and do not worked.

Thanks a lot!
Why can't you use sudo or su to give someone root access?

There's no need to create more then one root account.
@Orige: if you legitimately need to be root for an operation, then be root. If you need to run a subset of specific commands as a different user (including root), then use security/sudo.

I don't know of a problem that creating a user "with privileges of root" solves. Perhaps you could enlighten us.
Hello @anomie!

For me, sudo isn't necessary for THIS server.
Sudo was implemented on another servers , but i wanna know how can I add any user with uid 0 and group 0 with just one command pw.

I can do this editing the user in vipw.

This is it, curiosity.
What I am getting at is: don't do that. If you have a legitimate reason to do that, please explain yourself. There may be a better solution to the problem.


I don't see anything syntactically wrong with the pw(8) command you attempted, BTW. Some programs have hard coded restrictions to prevent you from doing something dangerous. (I am not saying that is the case here, but I've seen that sort of thing before.)
I will read pw man page and do my tests, after that , I'll put the command here.

Thanks a lot
Don't drink & admin, you might type -f and lose everything.

To quote pw(8)
     It is possible to use useradd to create a new account that duplicates an
     existing user id.  While this is normally considered an error and will be
     rejected, the [B][color="Red"]-o[/color][/B] option overrides the check for duplicates and allows the
     duplication of the user id.

(& I did test it, you can in fact create a user with uid 0, which is still a terrible idea)
# pw useradd -n test -u 0 -g 0 -o
pw: WARNING: new account `test' has a uid of 0 (superuser access!)
This is it!

So, I forgot this parameter -o, but I was almost there.
This Still a terrible idea but my curiosity is over.

Thanks a lot!