Configuring X to use XDM with Xmonad

I've been trying to setup my laptop, which has a fresh install of FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE, up with XDM and Xmonad, and am having some issues.

First, uname -a output:
FreeBSD thinkpad-t42p.domain.actdsltmp 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Feb 18 02:24:46 UTC 2011 i386

I'm not very familiar with X configuration, but excessive Googling seemed to indicate that I needed a .Xsession file in my /usr/home directory, and that such a file would do the job. I did indeed create such a file; contents displayed below.

# .xinitrc

xrandr -s 0

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
xsetroot -solid '#80a0af'


# launch clock and status bar
xmonad-clock | dzen2 -e '' -x 400 -w 1200 -ta r -fg $FG -bg $BG &

xmonad &

wait $!
pkill -HUP dzen2
pkill -HUP -f xmonad-clock

I have no idea if the above is correct to run xdm and Xmonad, I just used a modified version of what I found here, with what looked to me like personal configuration options I didn't want removed.

Now, my first problem: When I boot up my system, before I can login via the terminal, XDM launches and gives me a login prompt, but when I enter my username and password, it gives a black screen for a few seconds and then returns to the login prompt. I think, again based on Googling, that this means my display managers hasn't been configured properly. But since my configuration file is in my home directory, I guess it isn't being read by X on startup. (I can't startx after logging in because there is already a session running, and pkill xdm just seems to restart it).

Help on how to properly configure Xmonad to run with XDM, preferably on bootup, would be most appreciated.

Best regards,
Disable xdm entirely. Whatever you did to enable it, undo it. Then try to run [cmd=""]startx[/cmd] and see if X starts properly.

startx uses .xinitrc. xdm uses .xsession.

But agreed, disable xdm startup in /etc/ttys and use startx until it starts correctly. Then copy .xinitrc to .xsession and enable xdm.
Alright, thank you all for the excellent and prompt advice.

I did as you suggested and disabled xdm startup in etc/ttys.

Executing $ startx now starts X successfully. Thanks again, and sorry for the newbie question.

Best regards,