Config for make buildworld on Raspi

Hello Forum,

FreeBSD training - next step: I try to update the system the old way using make buildworld, make buildkernel, make installkernel and make installworld on my Raspi. The first step ( make buildworld is running for 20 h now - and seems to do so for some more time.
So, this seems to be major task and I want to know,
  • if and where I can optimize the config to shorten this procedure?
  • how to avoid building things, that I do (probably) not need? (e.g. remove certain parts of the source tree, specify certain targets)
  • how can I optimize the kernel config? does anybody have an example config (original one is found at /usr/src/sys/arm/conf/RPI2, right)?
  • Raspi comes with 4 kernels; at the moment only 1 is utilized; I remember that I can set an option (e.g. "-j3"); where to put this, that it is always used for world and kernel compilation
The above was triggered by the FreeBSD-SA-16:37.libc. I guess, in principle the binary-way ( freebsd-update fetch, freebsd-update install) should also work. And maybe it will be the choice in future ;)


how to avoid building things, that I do (probably) not need? (e.g. remove certain parts of the source tree, specify certain targets)
Have a look at src.conf(5).

how can I optimize the kernel config? does anybody have an example config (original one is found at /usr/src/sys/arm/conf/RPI2, right)?
There isn't much to optimize, but even if you do it'll only shave off a couple of minutes from the entire build. The buildworld step is the most time consuming.

Raspi comes with 4 kernels; at the moment only 1 is utilized; I remember that I can set an option (e.g. "-j3"); where to put this, that it is always used for world and kernel compilation
I'm sure you meant 4 cores, not 4 kernels. You can add it to the buildworld step, for buildkernel it's not recommended, for the install* bits it's useless (they need to be executed in order at all times).
Have a look at src.conf(5).

There isn't much to optimize, but even if you do it'll only shave off a couple of minutes from the entire build. The buildworld step is the most time consuming.

I'm sure you meant 4 cores, not 4 kernels. You can add it to the buildworld step, for buildkernel it's not recommended, for the install* bits it's useless (they need to be executed in order at all times).
Of course, you are right. 4 cores.

As the buildworld is the most time consuming it may make sense to try with "j 3" - I will test this. I will also check for the /etc/src.conf.

Thank you,


For the record: I tried make buildworld -j5 which ended with error. Restart without -j-option (cleaned the source tree, of course) went through without error. So, better don't use on RasPi. (aded on 2017-01-23)
Last edited:

as told in the first post here I did the above because of the FreeBSD-SA-16:37.libc. In the accompanying mail a procedure is decribed downloading a patch and applying that using patch-comand.

Is it also possible to use svn update /usr/src and the start the buildworld-procedure (binary update does not seem to work with Raspi)? From my understanding this should be equivalent.


Is it also possible to use svn update /usr/src and the start the buildworld-procedure (binary update does not seem to work with Raspi)? From my understanding this should be equivalent.
Yes, both the /stable/ and /releng/ branches get the security patches too. So if you update the source the patch will be included.
Hello Forum,

questions for the next step: I have done the make buildworld-step. Now - if I remember correct - I have to do the kernel compilation:
root@riker:/usr/src # make buildkernel
make[1]: "/usr/src/Makefile.inc1" line 144: SYSTEM_COMPILER: Determined that CC=cc matches the source tree.  Not bootstrapping a cross-compiler.
ERROR: Missing kernel configuration file(s) (GENERIC).
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/src
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/src
root@riker:/usr/src #
I guess, this is because I have not configured any kernel; I wanted to create the GENERIC kernel without any changes (test run). REMARK: this is running on an Raspberry Pi 2
root@riker:/usr/src # uname -a
FreeBSD riker.mydomain.home 11.0-STABLE FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r309280: Wed Nov 30 08:11:18 UTC 2016  arm
So, I think I have to put a kernel config somewhere. This config used for the installed kernel is found in /usr/src/sys/arm/conf/RPI2, right? (no GENERIC config found).



PS: my knowledge is based on earlier uses of FreeBSD 7
Wow, I know nothing about this, I always compiled with -j option. Can you point me where to read about this?

Actually you can use -j N for buildkernel, the bugs that were once causing problems have been solved long ago. It's only the install* targets that should be run without parallel jobs.
... and make installkernel stopped with:
===> zlib (install)
install: zlib.ko: No such file or directory
*** Error code 71

make[4]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules/zlib
*** Error code 1

make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/sys/modules
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RPI2
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/src
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/src
root@riker: /usr/src
1st question: is the system still in acondition to reboot safely?
2nd question: what to do to come over this zlib-error?



PS: output copied by hand
You need to tell it which kernel to install or else it'll try to install GENERIC, make installkernel KERNCONF=RPI2.

It's best to add this to /etc/make.conf so it's always applied.
You need to tell it which kernel to install or else it'll try to install GENERIC, make installkernel KERNCONF=RPI2.

It's best to add this to /etc/make.conf so it's always applied.

Thank you SirDice, but that's what I did. /etc/make.conf now contains
Anything else is left commented. And from make buildkernel-step it looked like, as if this config was taken. Even the make installkernel procedure installed everything up to the lines quoted by me above. Problem seems to be zlib.


Just for completeness: I updated /usr/src and started make buildworld-process again. And now it worked (except for the fact that /tmp - a tmpfs - was not big enough; I set /var/tmp as TMP for a while). It was a two-days-journey.
$ uname -a
FreeBSD riker.mydomain.home 11.0-STABLE FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #1 r310064: Thu Dec 15 20:56:34 CET 2016     root@riker.mydomain.home:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/RPI2  arm

Wow, looks like you did it. I would have cross-compiled.

Have you tried all the hardware?
HDMI with sound?
The Pi Camera?
The Pi touchscreen thing?
Wow, looks like you did it. I would have cross-compiled.

Have you tried all the hardware?
HDMI with sound?
The Pi Camera?
The Pi touchscreen thing?
No, it is a Raspi 2 Model B. That's why I thought it would all that without any trouble. ;)

At the moment I have none of these extra hardware: Monitor is connected using HDMI, no sound; . It was planned to be a training tool for my rusty FreeBSD skills. Next Steps would be installing some packages (web server, maybe X or all headless) or it will migrate to a NAS and home server(connected over net and with USB-console cable). Learning target: the (for me) "new" package system. :-)


Hello Forum,

additional questions: during make installworld I run into trouble because of too small size of /tmp. At the moment /tmp it is set to 50 MB in /etc/fstab
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,mode=1777,size=50m 0 0
What is a sensible size for installworld? I can just enlarge in /etc/fstab and it will be used after next reboot, right? /tmp is a filesystem just memory and grows as it is needed (up to max value specified), right?



PS: this is running on a Raspi Model B (1 GB RAM)
I haven't built it often on the Pi because it takes forever. But try removing it altogether and put /tmp on disk. Make sure the directory has 1777 permissions.