Commands does not work with portmaster


Install portmaster then,
I am trying to compile this line:

portmaster zebra-server apache22 mysql51-server

but it gives me an error:

/var/db/pkg/apache22 does not exist
Aborting update

same for the other lines when using portmaster.

need help. Thanks!
thanks for link. But still having problem.

portmaster -dRrf apache22 mysql51-server


===>>> The argument to -r must match only one port
===>>> Aborting update
Read it again because you still didn't understand it correctly. Hint: it has nothing to do with options.
Spoonfeed some commands to a user and he's happy for a day.
Teach the user how to read man pages and he'll be a unix admin soon :e

Since it's taking rather long...

# portmaster www/apache22
(Note the inclusion of the category)
Is there any way to fix it without including each directory cuz there is some very long lines of command.
Sure. Leave off the version numbers, or at least use the package name as returned by pkg_info. More specifically: mysql51-server is the port directory, not the name it uses when installing. Use pkg_info -Ix mysql to see the installed names.