codelite is good, including (especially) recently

I spent many a productive hour using codelite IDE to build some challenging projects. I am interested in the fate of codelite, it seems to have disappeared, it was a pkg, then it stalled around version 12, but you could build it. then that got problematic. So I took it down from git and try building it raw from the developer, and succeeded to my surprise. Is there some controversy here that has gone over my head? Its a GPL2 system and excellent including support for clang lldb and multiple other languages. Is it because they ignored the python vulnerability? thanks!
  1. Read the Porter's Handbook
  2. Fix and/or update the port (peferably in your own local git branch of the ports tree)
  3. If it's unmaintained (, set yourself as the maintainer (your Email-Address)
  4. Submit your patch (IMHO preferably the output of git format-patch) as an attachment on Bugzilla ("Report an update or defect to a port")