Solved Cinnamon works only in software rendering

I installed FreeBSD 13-2 and followed the handbook to install Xorg, my GPU driver (drm-kmod), the Cinnamon DE and LightDM.
Cinnamon works fine in software rendering mode but in "normal" mode I have only a black screen with my mouse cursor.
Before installing FreeBSD, I was on Arch Linux and everything worked fine so there is probably something I missed in the handbook but I can't see what.

radeonkms is loaded at boot time and dbus is enabled. I tried to launch Cinnamon with startx but the result is the same as with LightDM.

My journey on FreeBSD has just begun and I'm not used to it. ^^'

My config:
$ pciconf -lv|grep -B4 VGA
vgapci0@pci0:0:1:0:     class=0x030000 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x1002 device=0x9998 subvendor=0x1458 subdevice=0xd000
    vendor     = 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]'
    device     = 'Richland [Radeon HD 8370D]'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA

$ uname -a
FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE releng/13.2-n254617-525ecfdad597 GENERIC amd6
Software rendering does not use 3D hardware acceleration and is recommended when there are graphical issues.
Have you added your username to the video group?
Did you try with "amdgpu" driver?

I tried and the X server didn't work. I can only use the console.

Software rendering does not use 3D hardware acceleration and is recommended when there are graphical issues.
Have you added your username to the video group?
I added my username in the group video as it is said in the manual after installing Xorg.
Thanks for the link. A bit hard to understand but I think I got it.
I'll just stop for today because I searched a looooong time and reading/writing english is tiring my brain as it is not my language. x)
Tomorrow, I'll try to change DRI3 to DRI2 in xorg.conf or the login.conf sentenv-something stuff and I will give you the result.
Here we go !
A coffee, a check in the xorg.conf manual and your link, and it finally works.
The fix :
pkg install xf-86-video-ati, then
vi /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-radeon.conf

Section "Device"
    Identifier "Card0"
    Driver "radeon"
    Option "DRI" "2"

Thanks a lot for the help : D