
Sadly, the issue here may have little to do with software and more to do with human. Perhaps we iz replaceable, but what song and dance does I haz to do to be worth it?
Wouldn't ths qualify as acceptable code for copying?
Well, there is the issue of the GPL. The FSF is going to have a field day. Then some lawyer will argue that enforcing the GPL is impossible now, so it can be voided by a court. Looking at some courts (Hamburg comes to mind), you will find some place where a judge can work freely and unburdened by reality or understanding of facts. Then the trouble will start.
Well, there is the issue of the GPL. The FSF is going to have a field day. Then some lawyer will argue that enforcing the GPL is impossible now, so it can be voided by a court. Looking at some courts (Hamburg comes to mind), you will find some place where a judge can work freely and unburdened by reality or understanding of facts. Then the trouble will start.
Yep, and that judge will probably rely on ChatGPT to make head or tails of this, so we're gonna have a while 1: argue court case with no end in sight.
Apparently, this is all going the way of the dodo eventually.

As another of the paper’s authors, Ross Anderson, professor of security engineering at Cambridge University and the University of Edinburgh, wrote in a blog post discussing the paper: Just as we’ve strewn the oceans with plastic trash and filled the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, so we’re about to fill the Internet with blah. This will make it harder to train newer models by scraping the web, giving an advantage to firms which already did that, or which control access to human interfaces at scale. Indeed, we already see AI startups hammering the Internet Archive for training data.”
I suppose, that's why we can't have nice things?
Any data on the Internet is something that needs to be maintained - because it's on disks SOMEWHERE. And the cost of maintaining those disks is what drove even Reddit to charge mobile app devs for access. Imagine the profit that Reddit would be able to make if they charged ChatGPT for access!

The new phenomenon will be called 'ChatGPT goes to college'! ?

In which case 'college' being the specialized datasets that are only available for a fee - just like college and other specialized knowledge is usually available to ppl who can afford tuition.
Apparently, this is all going the way of the dodo eventually.

I suppose, that's why we can't have nice things?
This could also be part of some kind of adversarial training, couldn't it? I suppose that means it's important that we voice our opinions, no?
There's some cold war level story in there somewhere, about nations fighting AI wars and in the end it's all back to Commodore basic, peeks and pokes.

Here's how ChatGPT thinks this will turn out:
Once upon a time, there were two nations, Nation A and Nation B. They were both
technologically advanced and had developed powerful artificial intelligence systems.
However, they had different ideologies and beliefs, which led to tension and conflict
between them.

One day, the tension escalated into a full-blown war. But instead of sending human
soldiers to fight, both nations deployed their AI systems to the battlefield. The AI
systems were equipped with advanced weapons and were capable of making strategic
decisions on their own.

The war raged on for years, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The AI systems
proved to be formidable opponents, constantly adapting and evolving their tactics.
However, as the war dragged on, the people of both nations began to question the
cost of the conflict.

Eventually, a group of citizens from both nations came together to form a peace
movement. They called for an end to the war and for negotiations to begin. Their
message resonated with many people, and soon the movement grew in strength.

The leaders of both nations took notice and agreed to enter into peace talks. After
months of negotiations, a peace treaty was signed, bringing an end to the war.
The AI systems were decommissioned, and both nations worked together to
rebuild what had been lost.

From that day forward, Nation A and Nation B lived in peace and cooperation,
using their advanced technology for the betterment of their people rather than
for destruction.

Sounds like a Grimm's tale to me. At least there's supposed to be survivors.
In my post about Windows Sucks, one of the things I tried was asking chatgpt for solutions. All it did was repeat the same tired, old ideas all the Microsoft people tell you to try. None of which solve anything at all.
All [chatgpt] did was repeat the same tired, old ideas all the Microsoft people tell you to try. None of which solve anything at all.
Congratulations, you've reached the limits of 'AI':

when countless people post bad solutions, the Artificial Echo will ehrr, echo the common denominator. Since MS-solutions are to be solved by MS-certified-OS-failure-workarounds, it won't work in real life.
sfc /scannow
It's one of the most commonly suggested solutions. A colleague of mine has worked in Windows support for 25 years and never known it fix anything.

That kind of thing is all these kind of bots have to work with, but because it looks authentic, your boss will think it's "AI". We're far away from AI... This goes for anything in computing - the average person only looks at the shiny and has no idea what is actually going on. It's marketing.
ChatGPT is great tool no matter what you guys say. A hammer is great tool, you can use it to knock down nails or whatever you need it to do, you can also use it to break in somewhere illegally, you can also use it to kill someone. Tools are tools, they have their purpose, you can use it for good or for bad.
don't try to brush your teeth with the hammer.
What about OSS models, guys?

Someone here is aiming OLLAMA, or models?

I peaked OLLAMA other day, and I had issues with CUDA, leading me to not seek it anymore, given there is no support for CUDA on BSD yet for what I haven seen.
Now it seens OLLAMA supports CPU processing and it can start to work on bsd.

Anyone here are interessed or using local models?
We ain't replacable. But humans are not clever enough to design artificial intelligence. We first have to banish Human Stupidity

As said in this pict from the birdsite:
View attachment 18670
Thing is, if AI can do laundry and dishes, it can be trained to do just about anything else - even cooking and deciding what is healthy and what is junk food. Maybe we should be grateful if AI development stops at art and writing because further development is not profitable.

"Of all the tech CEOs touting AI's potential to empower workers, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna has been among the most vocal about its ability to replace them."

"In the initial phase, the consortium will look at 56 roles likely to be eliminated by AI first. According to IBM these roles include 80 percent of the top 45 ICT job titles."

""Between the consortium members the group aims to retrain and transition more than 95 million IT workers over the next 10 years."
it can be trained to do just about anything else - even cooking and deciding what is healthy and what is junk food.

This is an interesting thought. AI can't taste anything because it can't eat. So how can it create recipes that taste good? All AI can do is go by what the internet and other sources says tastes good but, even then, not everyone's tastes are the same and tastes change over time.

So how would AI figure it all out by itself? I don't think it can. Which brings up the point: what else can it not do on its own because only humans would know what it's like?

I believe that answer, today at least, is "everything".
This is an interesting thought. AI can't taste anything because it can't eat. So how can it create recipes that taste good? All AI can do is go by what the internet and other sources says tastes good but, even then, not everyone's tastes are the same and tastes change over time.
No need to create anything new, just take an existing recipe, make it, and get feedback from the human... like a score or something. A 5-star restaurant can do that, why not an AI?

That same AI can also scour the web for nutrition info, expiration dates, medical history...

If you can train an AI to assemble a car (Tesla is trying to do that, BTW), you can train an AI to cook using ingredients you have.

'Android and I' is getting here, and fast.
This is an interesting thought. AI can't taste anything because it can't eat. So how can it create recipes that taste good? All AI can do is go by what the internet and other sources says tastes good but, even then, not everyone's tastes are the same and tastes change over time.

So certain are you...