Change of performance between FSB 12.3 and FSB14 - Same application, very different behaviors.

Hello everyone,
I am looking for some way to DEBUG a performance problem.

Background: Back in 2021 I have compiled an application called E2Guardian on a FSB 12.3 box, using Openssl-111 - The performance was amazing. No complains at all.
Now using FSB 14, the same application is consuming too much CPU compared to the FSB 12.3 (the double or more).
I have tried to compile it using different OpenSSL version with no changes at all (same poor performance).
I also tried bringing the old binary file and it's libraries from FSB12.3 to FSB14 - It works but with the same poor performance, just like the new compiled binary using FSB14.
So it seems it's something in the FSB14, so I am looking for tools to DEBUG the problem, trying to identify what is causing such drastic performance change.
Could someone point me tools and/or methods to debug this problem?

Thanks Much!
If it is CPU time it should easily show up in profiles. Compare two profiles, gathered on the 2 versions.

The best current tool are flame graphs:

Let me know if you need assistance.