CD/DVD Creator application crash has been successfully collected

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I wanted to change my theme via gnome-appearance-properties.
I clicked and it crashed;/
What can I do?
It's a FreeBSD bug or GNOME bug, because I don't know where to report:)

See the crash details here:

I can't use the system properly if I've crashes every few minutes.
It's related to general BUG in /lib/, which you will say it isn't the BUG:)
Maybe all the bugs are the same, that's BUG in, which is in FreeBSD.
Maybe that's why those applications basically doesn't work on FreeBSD, but does work on other open-source systems.
This topic has been closed. Issues as technical or detailed as this should not be discussed in general user-oriented forums like The FreeBSD Forums. These forums are intended for end-user support with installing and/or running FreeBSD and/or applications from the ports tree, not for routinely resolving low-level problems with the operating system or add-on applications. Developers and port maintainers usually do not spend much time here, and we routinely refer technically detailed questions to them.

Consider opening this topic elsewhere, e.g.:

In the case of the FreeBSD base system:

1) by posting to one of the relevant mailing lists
2) by opening a bug report

In the case of ported applications:

1) by contacting the port maintainer (run make maintainer in the port directory)
2) by opening a bug report
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