Can't access the installation options menu!

Hi, this is I expect an easy question to solve but one to which I haven't been able to figure out! I have installed postfix from ports and after doing so I realised that when the options screen comes up (blue screen with check boxes to choose what support is installed), I was supposed to tick mysql but didn't. So I uninstalled using deinstall, deleted the files it advised me too and then reinstalled using
make all install clean

However the option menu didn't come up again and I haven't been able to get it up after trying several times! So if anyone knows how I can add these options to the installation please let me know! As I have the feeling that without these options things won't work! (As I am following a guide for setting up a mail server using dovecot, postfix and squirrel mail).

Thanks, sorry this seems like a really trivial question but being new to freebsd and unix in general it has me somewhat baffled!
I think the correct way's to do 'make rmconfig' (at least that's what /usr/ports/Mk/ suggests) but just deleting the 'work' directory should do the job
mjb said:
I think the correct way's to do 'make rmconfig' (at least that's what /usr/ports/Mk/ suggests) but just deleting the 'work' directory should do the job

Deleting the work directory won't work. The options are stored in /var/db/ports/<portname>/. You can either remove that directory or run # make rmconfig. There's also a # make rmconfig-recursive this will remove the config options for all the dependencies too.