Cannot get to Root user

New to FreeBSD, successfully installed to VMware but now I cannot get to the root directory to modify the sudoers file. I did set a root password during installation. In terminal, the su command doesn't work. Is there any way I can get to the root directory so I can install new packages and fix the access to the root security level? Here is my entry in the sudoers file, my username is jbl.


Any responses appreciated. Thank you.
A common way to edit the sudoers file is sudo visudo . If you don't like the vi editor, set $EDITOR environment variable to your preferred editor first.
Also the su command does not depend on (or use) the sudoers file. See the su(1) man page.
In terminal, the su command doesn't work.
Only members of the wheel group are allowed to su(1) to root.

Login as root on the console and fix your sudoers file there. While you're there you might want to set the sudoers to the wheel group and also add your user to that group. So you can use both su(1) and sudo(8).

pw groupmod wheel -m <userid>