cannot format HDD

First off: Hello everyone. I am very new, I've been using freebsd for a day now (although "trying to use freebsd" might be more accurate). I have installed FreeNAS on an old Pentium II machine with 320MB or Memory, and a 4GB HDD. I have managed to get everything up and running with a 1GB OS partition, 1GB Swap partition, and 2GB data partition. But then who wants a file server with only 2GB of storage? This is where my trouble starts.

I installed a cheap RAID card with a vt6421 chipset and no bios. I attached a 1TB SATA HDD to the card. When I rebooted the system there was a new entry in /dev: ad6. I assumed this was the new drive. The drive was also correctly identified in the FreeNAS web GUI. I was able to add the disk, but I was unable to format it. When I try I get

ad6: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1 retry left) LBA=128
ad6: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1retry left) LBA=5645474

eventually it just detatches the drive and I reboot the system to get it back.
well that patch doesn't seem to be coming back. I tried using a nightly build, but that didn't work either. i think i'll put this project on hold for now.