Can the leap second be suppressed on the NTP sever?

Hi all,

I am working on a networking timing project.
I notice that there is a leap second at the end of this year.
I have a stratum-1 time server listen to a GPS while the GPS is working in the UTC time mode.
A few clients in the internal network listen to this stratum-1 and generate some time serial data.
I want to avoid the Leap second.
Is there a way to configure the stratum-1 server do not propagate the leap second or set the clients ignore the leap second notification?

Thank you very much in advance for any suggestion.
Yours look like a challenging problem!

I have a stratum-1 time server listen to a GPS while the GPS is working in the UTC time mode.
For clarity, GPS time is not affected from leap-seconds, but GPS systems are aware of leap-seconds related offset and send messages to the GPS receiver so that the GPS receiver can calculate the UTC time.

That said, look like your project would need a time source not affected from leap-seconds, like TAI or pure GPS time, and not UTC.

A few clients in the internal network listen to this stratum-1 and generate some time serial data.
You need to clarify if only part or all of the client on the internal network, although it seems only a part of them, the difference being that part of the client will still need UTC time.

I want to avoid the Leap second.
Is there a way to configure the stratum-1 server do not propagate the leap second or set the clients ignore the leap second notification?

To me it seems is not possible, however I could be wrong.

But if you ask it differently: is possible to derive TAI from UTC and leap-second table ?
And the answer accordingly to this paper is yes:
It appear that the NTP client can be configured to make it possible ... and that would be a client side solution, not server side.

# ntptime
ntp_gettime() returns code 0 (OK)
time dbb33f18.843b0c48 Thu, Oct 20 2016 15:03:20.516, (.516526507),
maximum error 255595 us, estimated error 19182 us, TAI offset 36

May be you can use in your client application something like UTC + TAI_offset = TAI ...
May be also you can evaluate to use an additional stratum-2 timeserver that will deploy TAI only to the clients who require that ...

This link may help too: