Can I ask Poco port update?

Hello, I am a FreeBSD newbie.

I wrote a server side program which depends on the Poco library, and I didn't even imagine the latest Poco library isn't available in the ports tree. But it happened. Currently, I am using 1.4.6p2 (current stable latest), and the ports tree has 1.4.3. I tried to install the latest version from the Poco website, but with no success, for 1.4.6p2 or 1.5.2. using both GCC 4.2 and system installed Clang 3.1. (tried by modifying build configuration).

I think some experienced maintainer needs to handle this port to work. Can I expect a newer version port of the Poco library?
This question is better directed to the maintainer of the port. You can get the maintainer's email address by running make -C /usr/ports/devel/poco maintainer.
Why don't you try to modify the existing port? That's usually the easiest way. If you can get it working you can supply patches to the maintainer.

Remember, ports are a community driven feature.