Building chromium with poudriere fails due to net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h file not found

Hi all,

I am quite inexperienced in building ports. I followed this video to set up poudriere and build chromium; however, the process failed after 1 day 1 hour 5 minutes and 11 seconds with the error message stated in the subject of this post I found in the logs. I am not sure where to look for this file in the ports tree, it sure isn't under /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default/www/chromium. I updated the ports tree after this failure by # poudriere ports -u and perhaps that helped find and place that file where it needs to be: however, I don't want to start a new bulk build without first making sure that I have it. Any help will be much appreciated.

Just to clarify, all dependencies were successfully built, and this error was generated while building chromium-133.0.6943.141_1.
I started a new bulk build since I couldn't figure out what else to do. Ignorant question: Every time poudriere bulk command is issued, will all dependencies and the final ports be built from scratch, or is there a cache to skip building unchanged ports and use the previously built ones?
I started a new bulk build since I couldn't figure out what else to do. Ignorant question: Every time poudriere bulk command is issued, will all dependencies and the final ports be built from scratch, or is there a cache to skip building unchanged ports and use the previously built ones?
Dependencies that are previously built will be used and will not be built from scratch unless they are and/or their dependencies are updated. There is devel/ccache for caching ports that support it and it makes future builds of same ports faster.
Thank you, nxjoseph, for your reply. I realized that ccache was not enabled by default and I haven't enabled it myself either. Therefore, it looks like everything is being built from ground up again.
I did update the ports tree before rebuilding, I guess that may explain this behavior.
Yes, I was doing this for watching DRM-protected content indeed. Based on your recommendation and my bad luck with my previous attempt of building chromium, I will build www/linux-chrome instead. I appreciate your help very much!
I had built www/chromium for the same reason too but it didn't work for me, couldn't watch Netflix or Prime Video. The ports that let you play DRM content in www/chromium were updated after that but I don't know if the problem is solved but I don't want to give 13 hours to build www/chromium again so yeah, I use www/linux-chrome too and it is working very well for me watching Prime Video, didn't try Netflix yet, though. I'd suggest you to build big ports overnight so you don't need to wait it. devel/electron32 was built for me in around 9 hours. www/chromium and devel/electron* are really big. You are welcome.
I am just curious, can linux-chrome be installed as a package using pkg instead for the same purpose rather than building it? I don't think
poudriere options command gave me anything like enabling videwine or DRM-related options, which made me question the need of building it.
Yes, you can install with # pkg, you don't have to build it, it gets build much faster, though. www/linux-chrome doesn't seem to have any configurable options. I also suggest enabling the linux service before installing linux-related ports.
sudo service linux enable && sudo service linux start
One hopefully final question. Attempting to build www/chromium messed up my xcfe somehow on the VM I was doing it. I am guessing version incompatibility of some sorts in the ports created by the build process as the cause. I guess the quickest way around this is creating a new VM from scratch but would the longer way be building x11/xfce4?
I don't think but did you installed anything from your own Poudriere repository? Poudriere shouldn't mess up base system, maybe try fixing it something like # pkg check -ad and see if you have any errors. Is there a specific reason in building x11-wm/xfce4 meta-port? Can't you install it via pkg? I don't think it would take too long, though, it's a lightweight desktop environment in my eyes.
I did disable the remote FreeBSD package repository as part of my poudriere setup as recommended here. I will re-enable it and try the command you recommended. xfce was already installed and functioning as expected before I set up poudriere. After that, the mouse stopped being grabbed by the VM, the wallpaper disappeared, although both the xserver and xfce launches successfully. I am now using the tty for building in that VM due to that.