Build of koffice fails on plugin

I am trying to install Koffice (editors/koffice-kde4) from the ports tree. Each time I run it, make fails with the following error:

I am running FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE amd64; my ports tree as well as all ports have been newly updated and scrubbed.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get koffice to compile? I probably don't need many of the plugins at all, but there does not seem to be a way of disabling them by make conf.

Yet another case of conflict between koffice 2 and kde 3. You have to deinstall kdelibs 3 to install koffice. I'll try to handle this in the next koffice release (2.3.2, which is following kde 4.6.1), but I cannot promise it. Unfortunately kde 3 is becoming nothing but a source of problems...
Thanks! The important thing is that it's not my fault.

KDE 3 has always been a source of problems to me. I got koffice to install from the package, which should be sufficient for now, before I do some major port scrubbing. I love the KDE 4 series, and will never look back. Thank you for all your work.