Solved BTX Halted

Hi guys! I just got my new Computer and Installed
FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img on my Supermicro A1SRI-2758F-O I tried Disabling WHEA Support, and Set the SATA to AHCI but it Keeps returning the Error.

btx version 1.0 btx version

1.02 btx halted

What I did to Install FreeBSD-11 was to burn FreeBSD-11.0-CURRENT to the usb which I had a copy on my local drive (I installed this on other computers testing it). And did portsnap fetch extract update. Is this counted as having the latest release of FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE or not?

I'm posting because I think I found an error which was not fixed like it was intented too(I found previous post of this in the forums)

Thank you!
Just FYI, the commands portsnap fetch extract update do not update the FreeBSD OS, they update the ports tree, which is the userland software and not part of the core OS. If you are coming from Linux, things are done very differently in FreeBSD and all OS base components are virtually separated from all userland software. To update FreeBSD itself, follow these instructions:

That is irrelevant to your current problem but wanted to let you know.

Not sure if the btx issue is related to BIOS/UEFI settings? I checked the Supermicro web site and it appears your board is FreeBSD compatible.

EDIT - Just realized your board uses an atom processor. I have no experience with atom processors - the install image you used was for amd64, which is intel 64 bit processors. Is this the correct image for an atom processor?
Just FYI, the commands portsnap fetch extract update do not update the FreeBSD OS, they update the ports tree, which is the userland software and not part of the core OS. If you are coming from Linux, things are done very differently in FreeBSD and all OS base components are virtually separated from all userland software. To update FreeBSD itself, follow these instructions:

That is irrelevant to your current problem but wanted to let you know.

Not sure if the btx issue is related to BIOS/UEFI settings? I checked the Supermicro web site and it appears your board is FreeBSD compatible.

EDIT - Just realized your board uses an atom processor. I have no experience with atom processors - the install image you used was for amd64, which is intel 64 bit processors. Is this the correct image for an atom processor?

Thank you! I just checked and it seems I can't upgrade my current version from CURRENT to RELEASE. :(

I installed FreeBSD 11.0 CURRENT amd64 just fine. It's just that the FreeBSD 11.0 RELEASE does not work. I'm pretty sure it should work.. This thread says atom processors are supported.. Do you think this is a bug? Thanks Sevendogs! :)
You can, but you'll need to do a source update. You cannot use freebsd-update(8).
That sounds awesome! Is there a man page for updating using source update? I tried searching but I'm not sure if its the correct one is this the one? manual page" href="">
:) Thank you SirDice!
After rebooting I got stuck at mountroot> .
I tried fsck_ufs -fy but it does not work... I got into the console by adding another hard drive and installing a new FreeBSD OS in it and did zpool import -o altroot=/mnt zroot.

I was thinking of fixing the mountroot problem by looking into /mnt/zroot/etc/rc.conf and /mnt/zroot/etc/boot/loader.conf
but there was nothing wrong with it.. I also checked /mnt/zroot/etc/fstab. Sadly, I am running out of ideas. The backup I did was using beadm, if I could login into my zroot pool and did beadm activate it would return my system to normal and I could start again upgrading.

I'm sorry this is my first time doing this... cheers!
Check out /base/releng/11.0 if you want to go to 11.0-RELEASE, i.e. rm -rf /usr/src/* && svnlite co /usr/src). Then follow: 23.6. Rebuilding World
Hello SirDice! I just want to say Thank you! I fixed my original problem. As for the rebuilding world, it didn't go too well and I had to find new ways around it.

The solution for the problem was the command for writing the FreeBSD image to the usb stick.

# dd if=[I]FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img[/I] of=/dev/[I]disk2[/I] bs=1M conv=sync
< Does not work, this was in the handbook instructions

sudo dd if=FreeBSD-10.0-PRERELEASE-amd64-20131230-r260064-memstick.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=64k conv=sync
< Also does not work, I always use this command for writing FreeBSD Installations, but does not work for 11.0-RELEASE

sudo dd if=FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.1.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=10240 conv=sync
< This one works!

Anyone know why would it work on the last command, but as for the first two it doesn't? Thank you! :)