bsnmpwalk syntax for SNMPv3

Rookie question, I'm trying to put together a bsnmpwalk command to query a switch that has auth/priv configured using SNMPv3. I used the following command based on the FreeBSD manpage but I got an error, please could someone help me out with the correct -A and -P usage? I'm unable to test myself as I was working on this on a customer system and I need to be in a remote session with them to continue.

/usr/bin/bsnmpwalk -U name=snmpv3user -v 3 -A proto=sha key=------------ -P proto=aes key=------------"
bsnmpwalk: No entry for key in mapping lists
bsnmpwalk: Invalid oid string - key=------------
bsnmpwalk: Invalid OID - key=------------
Error parsing OID string 'key=------------'.
What version of FreeBSD? The man page you linked seems to imply 9-CURRENT, which is a really, really old version.
It's an old version of FreeBSD embedded in a storage array OS.

Thanks very much yuripv79! I suspected it might be that but didn't have access to test it.