DutchDaemon said:
Quantity over quality. Barely functional bug-riddled drivers hacked together by hobbyists. That's what annoys a lot of BSD users when it comes to that old 'works on more hardware' chestnut, I'm afraid.
There are cases where that is true, sure -but it's not anywhere close to being as universal as the BSD camp claims.
However,to be perfectly blunt -"barely functional" trumps "non-existant" any day of the week! :e
Also, at this point I'm quite positive that more a greater percentage of people hacking on Linux are actually working for IBM, Redhat and other corporations in a
professional capacity. You have Apple throwing the odd bit at FreeBSD and that's essentially
Take a look at the number major companies that have paid staff contributing to Linux and then look at the number of major companies that contribute to Free or NetBSD (are there even any companies who submit code to OpenBSD on a regular basis? I'm guessing no, and NetBSD only has Wasabi).
Your crack about Linux only being written by ameteurs hasn't been true for the last 8 years, at least.
There are flaws with Linux, there are stability issues; but it works where BSD doesn't -and that's a lot of places, my friend.