Solved Bridge ethernet and wifi

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to setup a Thinkpad with FreeBSD 12.1 as a wifi to ethernet bridge. I've followed the wifi and bridge section in the handbook.

I'm connecting to an AP on wlan0, wlan0 is a member of bridge0 as well as an ethernet device (so layer 3 all happens on bridge0). The ethernet side works fine, but on the wifi side no traffic is making it to the AP. I can see it on wlan0 on the bridge, but the AP doesn't see it.

I have tested two APs and setup a FreeBSD AP. Even with the FreeBSD AP, tcpdump shows no traffic on wlan0 if the origin is a bridge on the other machine.

Is there some option I need to bring up the wifi/ethernet bridge's wifi interface with and a capability the device needs to have to send packets from a non-native MAC address? Can you recommend any USB wifi dongles that can do this on FreeBSD?

Thank you!

Edit: This is exactly what I'm trying to do:
eldaemon's Problem kinda reminds of the Problem i was facing a few months ago (albeit on Linux).

My Laptop is connected via Wifi to my Router and the evil World outside, having IP-Address in the Range of 192.168.2.X on my wlan0
My Ethernet is plugged in a LAN-switch on a different subnet 192.168.102.X on eth0
I wanted to use my Laptop as a "Gateway" to allow any clients also plugged into the switch on subnet 192.168.102.X to reach the evil outside world.
The Solution (on Linux) was, to configure a DNS- and DHCP-Server on my Laptop for that Subnet 192.168.102.X, and to register iptables to forward any traffic coming from/to those clients.

Does this sound like your problem?
Hi rosorio and Zvoni,

Looking for just a layer 2 solution. I'd like to be able to have IPv6 as well and not deal with NAT. It seems like the only option would be WDS or DWDS. FreeBSD supports that but I haven't seen a whole lot on it. Would likely need a FreeBSD AP with DWDS enabled.

I ended up giving up on this and just using ethernet over powerline which works surprisingly well.

Thank you!
Hi rosorio and Zvoni,

Looking for just a layer 2 solution. I'd like to be able to have IPv6 as well and not deal with NAT. It seems like the only option would be WDS or DWDS. FreeBSD supports that but I haven't seen a whole lot on it. Would likely need a FreeBSD AP with DWDS enabled.

I ended up giving up on this and just using ethernet over powerline which works surprisingly well.

Thank you!
I'm looking for some guideline to set-up DWDS on my AP+router.
The best thing I could find is THIS. I'll try to make such thing at home in near future.
We need more detailed guide to bring DWDS AP up and running on FreeBSD.