Black Background

I read that blue light from LED's can damage the eyes. It also damages the LED emitting the light itself. Sunlight full spectrum LED's also harm the eyes, perhaps more so, because these are for lighting up a room, not just a smaller space from a screen.

It would make more sense to change the spectrum of the LED to be limited to that of the needed color from the spectrum of sunlight at dawn or dusk. Most harmful sunlight at dusk/dawn is filtered, and everything lighted by it still has the identifiable color. A minor difference of blue/green contrast would be suitable, than a near perfect representation of blue. It will last longer, not be hard on the eyes, and the color of the closet represenation of the current blue degrades anyway. It's probably not even the blue itself, but the color near it, that is ultraviolet that we can't see.
I use green text on a black background and that's the clearest I've found. I did like the old IBM 5151 with the warm and slow phosphor, but nobody is using TTL these days. The nice thing about setting those colours in a GUI is that one can add a little more clarity, via coloured prompts etc. Also, green is at the centre of our light sensitivity and is generally fairly clean so that we avoid chromatic aberation and the slightly fuzzy image resulting from lack of common focus with multiple frequencies.
I haven't researched about it, But really feel good with yellow on black.
Seems like you said my final choice at very first begining. Since I work with PC for long hours per day, I found out too shinny yellow is making me neurotic. I feel a lot homie with forestgreen text on black right now. steel blue could be my secondary choice.
So I bumped this thread because I think only colors of display are really spreading sensation into your mind. Since eyes are a direct way through brain and staring at display which is neccessary, makes "direct way" a direct highway, this makes situation like hypnotism. Since hypnotism is known as psychological cure, harm, drug, or even food! with a good diet you can have a happy life and emit to people around you. Or even neutralise a lot of pscychological attacks to your family.
It's much easier than "hypnotism" and "direct highway". The human brain takes light brightness and color as an indicator of daytime. Which makes sense, for hundreds of thousands of years bright blue light meant day (time to hunt, gather, ...) and dark and reddish meant morning/evening (time to eat, sleep, and a few other tasks). By overloading our brain with bright and blue-ish colors (like good laptop screens) in the evening hours, our brain get confused, leading to lack of sleep, and a whole host of behavioral / psychological / psychiatric issues.

If you look at modern user interfaces and cell phones, you'll notice that depending on daytime, they dim the white screen background, they switch applications to "night mode" or "dark mode" (black background), and they remove blue from the palette. One can make the same choice manually by configuring terminal emulators.
I like to keep my terminal grey on black and use the real world around me to provide for my pretty colour needs ;)

A computer is effectively a tool, I don't really feel that it should provide such a "wonderful graphical experience" as some others do. I personally find that any colors are a tad pointless.

Perhaps get a plant and stick it next to your monitor XD