bind9 acl

Hello, I think that this can be done but I don't know how...

A) I have user A with the IP
B) user B with the IP

I want user A to have access to and user B not.

So far I made a RPZ for and it works. I made the redirection but for all users
and a made a zone for, same effect but for all users again.

Any clue?

(I'm trying to migrate this ugly monster :

To a more "well done" setup.
Set up a proxy for your users. Then you will have exactly the kind of control you want. DNS is not the way to solve this.
Set up a proxy for your users. Then you will have exactly the kind of control you want. DNS is not the way to solve this.

i have already done, the problem is the https traffic, i cannot manage that with squid for privacy reasons