I followed
and get PAM Failure. Anybody got an idea what's wrong?
Getting Started With Bastille | BastilleBSD
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this. The Bastille getting started guide will you have running containers in under twenty minutes.
root@edge:/usr/local/bastille # uname -a
FreeBSD edge 13.0-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p11 #0: Tue Apr 5 18:54:35 UTC 2022 root@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC amd64
root@edge:/usr/local/bastille # bastille list
JID IP Address Hostname Path
debian11 debian11 /usr/local/bastille/jails/debian11/root
root@edge:/usr/local/bastille # bastille console debian11
login: PAM Failure, aborting: Critical error - immediate abort
root@edge:/usr/local/bastille # bastille cmd debian11 ls
jexec: getpwnam: root: No such file or directory