
  1. N

    Solved Using NAT for both vm-bhyve and Bastille jail but no internet access on VM

    Hi. I was using NAT configuration because I am using wlan0 interface for internet on my PC and it was working well until Bastille changed the pf.conf. I don't have much knowledge about firewalls. I had this line in the pf configuration. nat on wlan0 from {} to any -> (wlan0)...
  2. ntn888

    jails Automate spinning up a bunch of thin jails

    I'm setting up the *ARR suite apps in jails (using the Bastille manager). I used to do this in debian and docker but this time I moved to freeBSD to try out it's native zfs support. In setting up I need to setup a uniform user, setup external mounts (the involved bit) and install the apps on...
  3. E

    jails Running minecraft bedrock server in ubuntu jail

    I setup a Ubuntu 22.04 jail using bastille: ` bastille create -L minecraft jammy` Installed libcurl4 and fetched latest minecraft bedrock server. When I try running the server with `./bedrock_server` I get this output: According to socktat, the port is not in use, and changing...
  4. B

    Rename devfs device and access renamed device in a jail

    Is there a way to rename a device (e.g. using devfs rules) within /dev (e.g. rename /dev/cuaU0 -> /dev/zigbee) or create a second node that points to the same piece of hardware (i.e. both /dev/cuaU0 and /dev/zigbee refer to the same device)? I would like to pass a custom named device (e.g...
  5. Azrael

    Solved Restoring Bastille Export To New Jail

    I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct part of the forum. Or if this is even possible. I made a backup of a jail using bastille like this: bastille export --xz jail1 It saves a backup to /usr/local/bastille/backups/jail1_2023-12-23-041249.xz. I created the first jail like this...
  6. G

    Bastille and Ubuntu debootstrap, run with systemd

    Hi, I just trying to run Ubuntu jail via Bastille but need to do it with systemd to use with snap. root@ubuntu:/# systemctl System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Read step by step by this tutorial, except last package install. root@ubuntu:/# apt-get...
  7. D

    jails New to bastille jails. Cannot stop bastille jails if bastille_enable="yes" in rc.conf

    (Using Bastille from ports Version 0.10.20231013) FreeBSD 13.2-p4, AMD64 Dear valued forum members, I am new to jails and spend the recent evenings following the official bastille manual to learn. Setting up different FBSD jails worked fine so far. Here is what I'm struggling with: Cannot...
  8. B

    jails Troubleshooting network connectivity inside Bastille nat jail

    Hi all, I am struggling to troubleshoot network connectivity issues on a BastilleBSD nat'd jail created using these instructions: In the container I can resolve DNS queries (e.g. pinging a url returns a valid...
  9. vukodlak

    Bhyve running with Bastille routing bridge issues

    having an issue... Bhyve runs fine by itself. Bastille runs fine by itself. When I try to run them at the same time Bhyve messes up my routing completely. I think it has something to do with Bhyve creating a 2nd bridge and you can't have 2 bridges at once? or I need to add the bhyve bridge to...
  10. vukodlak

    Working Bhyve-Bastille-General config files/network for reference

    I decided to post a simple working setup from my FreeBSD box to help others that were struggling to find a working system to learn from like I was. This isn't meant to be an end-all solution but rather a reference and learning opportunity and I would gladly accept help and suggestions on how to...
  11. gerger

    Jail's nat redirect does not work

    Hi all, I created a jail using Bastille. I would like to redirect traffic to the jail with haproxy. Somehow, the redirect does not work, I am not able to reach my python server externally. Here is the list of jails given by Bastille: # bastille list JID IP Address Hostname...
  12. MsieurSVP

    Solved Bastille, Processes and Htop

    Hello from France ! Does anyone know how to distinguish processes originating from multiple jails, specifically with htop or another tool ? Many thanks !
  13. D

    PF Correct way to open ports for jail to jail communication in pf

    I am currently learning a bit about FreeBSD with the goal of moving my server from Debian to FreeBSD. Currently I am working on running some applications (e.g. Nextcloud) in jails. Services that are needed by multiple applications I want to outsource to own Jails, an example would be Redis. I...
  14. rwv37

    jails jail using vnet - networking isn't working

    EDIT: PLEASE NOTE that I've now got things mostly working; the one remaining problem that I know of is that the jail host can't ping the jails (while other machines on my intranet can ping them). The config shown in this initial post is now out of date; the new config (and further details about...
  15. subnetspider

    jails How to best automate creation and management of Jails?

    I'm learning ansible and bastille to introduce some level of automation to my homelab and to use jails instead of FreeBSD VMs for my services. At the moment I manually create thick VNET jails with bastille and then set up my services with ansible where each jail is treated as a separate host...
  16. eimbsd

    jails Jail to jail communication with two nodes

    Hello, I'm in the process of migrating a bigger hosting site from Ubuntu to FreeBSD and the hoster where I need to migrate all this runs OpenStack. From there I get two FreeBSD VMs, bsd-01 and bsd-02, I'm running bastille on both nodes in order to setup jailed environments. I create compute-01...
  17. A

    jails Jails on RPi4B as DHCP/DNS/file/web server/router

    I'm downsizing my server (an old 2006 hp ProLiant 19" rack monster with 41 disks) for a Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB as the electricity here in southern Sweden has become absurdly expensive. (The whole thing draws about €70 worth per year, now it is looking more like €4000...) While I'm redoing...
  18. srey

    Routing Bastille Jails with loopback (bastille0) strategy to Tailscale Network

    Hi ! I'm a Ubuntu user from long time, but i choose freebsd for my homelab, because stability, security, learning, but also jumping into new rabbit hole during summer ... :) I resume my objectives into one big schema with (false) ip to represent routing. In two words i have : - one machine...
  19. A

    jails Network management for bastille jails

    Hello, does already exist a tool which setups networks and hostname lookups for jails so that services in jails can find and communicate to each other in a safe but also dynamic way on multiple hosts? More or less like it is done by Docker Swarm or K8. Thanks
  20. N

    Creating Bastille jail attached to bridge without NAT or PF

    I would like to build jails with Bastille that are on the same server and share the same network with Bhyve guests. I am attempting to do this using the Bastille -B option to add the jail to an existing bridge. I am using IPFW and do not want to run any NAT. Should this be possible? The Bastille...