Bad hash on update file.

I am attempting to upgrade a system using freebsd-update from 8.0-RELEASE to 8.2-RELEASE. I keep hitting what appears to be the same stop point. The error is below.

Code: 200 OK
gunzip: data stream error
0111b6031485dfdbebc7652cf3313e408ab739e88c493f190b0589e787aea910 has incorrect hash.
Try changing the SERVER entry in /etc/freebsd-update.conf to fetch from a different server and see if that helps. Yours looks like it's getting the files from, so try changing it to
It is set to, but I am changing it to and will try this. I also cleared out the /var/db/freebsd-update/files cache. Thank you for the suggestion. 200 OK
gunzip: data stream error
0010430b1446aa72ea9e19612e226e41938e18f1891011da8805bbdbfe78003d has incorrect hash.

Filesystem    1K-blocks      Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/mfid0s1a    507630    274938    192082    59%    /
devfs                 1         1         0   100%    /dev
/dev/mfid0s1e    507630        48    466972     0%    /tmp
/dev/mfid0s1f 548179156 119681914 384642910    24%    /usr
/dev/mfid0s1d  13170574    444988  11671942     4%    /var
Now I am trying to update to 8.1-RELEASE instead of 8.2. I do not understand what the problem is and how to get around it. This all started when I found I was unable to install Moodle. I completed a portsnap update and tried to install postupgrade, which also fails due to inability to fetch certain packages. I cannot escape the feeling that I have done something wrong here.
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 499 files... gunzip: data stream error
013f3af34d28078ba26f40e65181017e8ff5a991eff7ad41f7ab875f14d57678 has incorrect hash.
[root@helpdeskiii ~]# df
Filesystem    1K-blocks      Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/mfid0s1a    507630    274942    192078    59%    /
devfs                 1         1         0   100%    /dev
/dev/mfid0s1e    507630        48    466972     0%    /tmp
/dev/mfid0s1f 548179156 122975854 381348970    24%    /usr
/dev/mfid0s1d  13170574    741788  11375142     6%    /var
[root@helpdeskiii ~]# uname -a
FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jan  5 21:11:58 UTC 2010  amd64
I'm a big fan and have used FreeBSD since R6. This is just kicking my tail. Am I going to have to take down and back up my database and rebuilt this system from iron?