Backup - "Dump over SCP" like

Hello guys,

I need to backup a system. I'm using dump to do this, but the backup need to be sent to a remote server. Its something like this:

  1. I need to backup server1
  2. The backup will be storaged on server2
  3. server1 can't access server2, but server2 can access server1

I was thinking something like this:

On server2:
# scp server1:"dump command" /backup/ad0.dump

Can someone help me?

PS: Sorry for my bad English.
Difficulty: for full access, the user running dump(8) needs to be root, or at least have a lot of access rights. root login over ssh(1) is usually disabled, and for good reason.

The backup would have to run ssh on the receiving machine also.
How about this: Add the backup user on server1 to group operator. Then you can run a command like this on server2:
# ssh backupuser@server1 dump 0uaLf - /filesystemtodump | dd of=backupfile.dump
The backup must be stored directly on server2, i can not be stored on server1 then moved to server2.

My ideia of the command was: the output of the "dump command"(executed on server1) would be stored on the local file /backup/ad0.dump(on server2)
josefernando said:
The backup must be stored directly on server2, i can not be stored on server1 then moved to server2.

My ideia of the command was: the output of the "dump command"(executed on server1) would be stored on the local file /backup/ad0.dump(on server2)

Please re-read post #3.

# ssh backupuser@server1 dump 0uaLf - /filesystemtodump | dd of=backupfile.dump

On server2 you use ssh to execute dump on server1. The option "-f -" is used to specify that the output will be sent to stdout, which will be sent through your ssh connection back to server2. Then the output from the ssh connection on server2 is piped to the dd command (executed on server2). How is that solution not working out for you?
Wow, my bad. When I saw it, I thought it would store the backup file on server 2. I'm testing it on my lab now, and it seems to be working.