The world has become smaller. 25 years ago, between 90% and 99% of all the human interactions, even within wealthy western countries, were within walking or bicycling distance. Sure there were exceptions: pen-pals, remote relatives on other continents, emigration and immigration leading to having family in other places. But the bulk were people where you could meet for pizza or beer.
Today, I communicate with people on most continents (excluding Africa) every workday.
Zoom in: it is not that the world become smaller, rather the correct word might be "
In rural areas people were traditionally rooted in the soil they would feed from, living at the place for generations. Now, an example: a couple, he craftsman she salesclerk. The children need to study, in the capital at least, but better yet in America, because the town-major's son also does so.
People are un-rooted, they no longer have a relation to what life means, what is of value and what is not, or where things belong naturally.
Consciousness has been flooded with an immeasureable amount of new ideas, which are alltogether virtual, synthetic, and not related to practical life (i.e. eat,drink,sleep).
People still have the same desires, like, being respected, being influential - but what does that mean now? In a tribal culture it would mean the number of horses one had. In a rural place the acres of land. But in a virtualized world? The number of followers? The number of commits to wtf? It's all void. To study in America? It's quite arbitrary.
And the same goes for software-projects. Traditionally doing a project, you would collect a team of qualified specialists - like when building a house, you need a bricklayer, plumber, electrician etc. And that was similar with software projects.
But now it is github, and random people from all over the world do random commits to random projects in an arbitrary fashion, no matter who is experienced or qualified in what. That is not how we used to understand engineering or project-work, is it?
Just as an example: My uncle did have a stroke yesterday, and is hospitalized. I heard from my cousin within hours; we've been calling and chatting. Because he can't speak right now, but is conscious and can hear, I recorded a voice message for him, which my cousin played for him in the hospital room. You guys please don't worry about him, he's in one of the best hospitals in the world ... in São Paulo. At least the time zone difference isn't very big, but the idea of going over and visiting him in the hospital is impractical, as it is a 9 hour flight.
Uh, I'm sorry. But I don't know Your relationship, and such situations did happen earlier, too, when people from Europe migrated to other continents. It might even be better to send voice tapes than to travel there and create additional stirrup.