automatically install dependency as package rather than build


Whilst playing about with the ports collection (in preparation to port wxmotif and opencde) I have come up with a small requirement that I do not know if the system supports.

If I type "make" to begin building a port, is there a way for me to specify an environmental variable to a folder containing packages (probably a mount point to the DVD) so that it can install the dependencies as packages rather than building everything?

Because it does seem a pain to have to compile GTK+ from source when there is a perfectly good copy on the DVD.

Has anyone done this before?

Best Regards,

killasmurf86 said:
I think portupgrade could also do that, but I'm not sure
It does, with the -P or -PP option. See portupgrade(1).

Another option is to just pkg_add them before starting make in a port. A port will only build and install it's dependencies if they're not installed.
Install the package if it exists, otherwise build the port:
# portmaster --packages portcategory/portname

Install the package; if it doesn't exist, stop with an error:
# portmaster --packages-only portcategory/portname

Install the package if it's a newer version than what's installed even if it's not the latest version, otherwise build the port:
# portmaster --packages-if-newer portcategory/portname

And, the one you are looking for; use packages for build dependencies, install all other dependencies as ports:
# portmaster --packages-build portcategory/portname

Portmaster is a wonderful tool. :)