Auto Login user Without any X

Hi everybody,
I have NanoBSD without any X running.
How can I enable root Auto login on it?
I can not install any GDM or third party packages.
Two things: this forum claims to know about FreeBSD, not any of its derivatives. So I don't think you'll get much help here, simply because most us focus on FreeBSD only (and well: there's also the forum rules of course).

Second: automatically logging on as root is generally speaking an extremely bad idea. Not to mention probably totally useless as well. There's a reason why FreeBSD is multitasking & multi-user. You don't need to log on with an account in order to 'make' the OS do 'something'.
Two things: this forum claims to know about FreeBSD, not any of its derivatives. So I don't think you'll get much help here, simply because most us focus on FreeBSD only (and well: there's also the forum rules of course).

Second: automatically logging on as root is generally speaking an extremely bad idea. Not to mention probably totally useless as well. There's a reason why FreeBSD is multitasking & multi-user. You don't need to log on with an account in order to 'make' the OS do 'something'.

First: You can Assumption that I have this issue on FreeBSD! How Can I resolve it?
Second: I knew this but my NanoBSD customs in my embeded device and it only for me.
Thanks for any idea but I need applicable hints, Please!