Anydesk on FreeBSD 13.1

After latest quarterly update anydesk still works but crashes on closing a connection.

Any chance you were connecting to a Windows 10 host running 6.x version of Anydesk?
I *exclusively* encountered this problem with Windows 10+ clients and according to support this is due to the Windows side closing the connection ungracefully and anydesk handling it poorly. It was said to be fixed in the 7.x branch on the Windows side.
We have a fairly chaotic pool of version 6 and 7 Windows clients, hence I encounter that problem relatively often, but I really don't know if this is only with clients running version 6.x. The only constant is Windows 10 - this definitely never occured with Windows 7 clients*

* Yes, we had to keep some around until recently for some crappy but business-critical application which FINALLY has been "updated" to run on Win 10... or better say has been modified to run via 32bit Java webstart instead of the NPAPI plugin. And of course, only *one* specific patch version of Java is supported...
Hi all,
I would like to try anydesk on my FreeBSD 13.2 system. After dowloading and extration, I cannot execute the anydesk binary. I get the error below:

sebastian@mini:~/Downloads/anydesk-6.1.1 $ ./anydesk Shared object "" not found, required by "anydesk"
sebastian@mini:~/Downloads/anydesk-6.1.1 $
Any idea whats happend here?