Anycast Setups


we are considering running DNS-resolvers in an Anycast setup, possibly on FreeBSD.
The resolvers current do run FreeBSD + unbound, but only Unicast.

Additionally, they run IPv6 + IPv4...

However, there is very little documentation available on how to Anycast on FreeBSD.

I have never run any of the various related services like quagga or exabgp, so I kind-of have to start from zero there.
Then I assume it's a BGP anycast.
For BGP you wish to have neither quagga or exabgp, but you almost certain will like Bird and OpenBGP much better.
It comes with a control command which can also be shell console, respectively birdc and bgpd.
Both provide status info which the two you mentioned don't.

And in regards to resilience you may want to have both Unbound and Knot Resolver installed and configured on all your nodes.
One active and one standby on A, and opposite on B.
Hi, thanks for your reply and your insight.

We currently use unbound, as I said. I've never used knot-resolver (beyond knowing it exists).

I will have to look at it to see if it can provide an equal configuration for our purposes.

We are looking at commercial offerings, too, but given the licensing costs, I'm sort of 2nd-guessing this, at least for the public resolvers, where we cannot really control query-load.