Solved Any problem with portsnap servers ?

Hi, I am using 10.1-p35/40 (k/u) and the standard portsnap setup. Since a couple of days I get the message that all mirrors fail:
Looking up mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from failed.
Fetching snapshot tag from failed.
Fetching snapshot tag from failed.
Fetching snapshot tag from failed.
Fetching snapshot tag from failed.
Fetching snapshot tag from failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.
Also when I use the -s and any of the servers above , i get the same result.
Is there a generic problem or do I have some trouble on my side only ?
Sh... I tried it on my VM with 10.3 and there it worked very well. So something is wrong on my real server and I have no idea where to search :(
host is providing me the right answer 46... I already tried
portsnap -s --debug fetch and get from fetch "No address record" So I need to drill down fetch ...
Just to share in case you step into the same issues:
While host has worked, also ping was not able to resolve the URL. The problem was the following entry in my /etc/nsswitch.conf :
 hosts: files [notfound=return] dns
needs to be changed into
 hosts: files [notfound=continue] dns
 hosts: cache files dns

OMG - what a newbee fault ....:rolleyes:
Yeah, I had some DNS problems and it looked like /etc/hosts was ignored. So I tried to tweak the resolver ... with the strange results that some tools work and some not. So the resolver tweaked me back :D
Hmm, while I count meanwhile 40 IP dresses at my home, I still hesitate to install a DNS. Now, saying that the router has a DNS integrated for my home-net and my guest-net. The router also serves as DHCP, NTP and of course NAT. I also ensure that based on MAC DHCP assigns always the same IP - so incase DNS goes down/wrong I still know the IP Adress ( I hate IP6, therefore my network is only IP4 ) :mad:

For my admin-net network I don't have a DNS. Call me old style, but one of the reasons I use FreeBSD and not Windows, that I feel I have it/IT under better control :D
Therefore I love /etc/hosts and the other simple /etc/...conf files. Clear human readable files and no database where a hidden record drives you nuts.