An Update ruined by Desktop setup

All I did was "pkg update" & "pkg upgrade".
Now one of my screens are not working and I my latte desktop is not working anymore after a restart.
My latte theme was Bluesky
I'm using KDE Desktop. I prefer to rescue the current desktop setup if I can. Otherwise I think I would have to do a fresh install. Not looking forward to that.
Did you make a snapshot before hand, backup /home ? Also hope you have an alternative desktop/Window Manager. Always good to have had made these choices ;)
All I did was "pkg update" & "pkg upgrade".
Now one of my screens are not working and I my latte desktop is not working anymore after a restart.
My latte theme was Bluesky
I'm using KDE Desktop. I prefer to rescue the current desktop setup if I can. Otherwise I think I would have to do a fresh install. Not looking forward to that.
You could backup you /home, reinstall plasma (or the OS, for that matter) and restore your configuration.
But in this way, while you would save your setup you could also carry corrupted/outdated config files that caused the breakage to begging with. So you need to think what would give you less work.
yeah, if the base system is still working okie dokie then you could just strip out the desktop then redo it.

you can even take it to the point of using rsync to copy everything you actually need to keep in your home to somewhere else then remove the user and its home directory all together, being logged into roots home, then create your user again for an absolute new fresh start, the reestablish your home then perhaps keep that back up command in a script to backup regularly . perhaps before you update anything just in case.

I wouldn't reinstall the system just for a desktop failure. you can even add a different one and use that one until you fix the other one keeping your home with a DT to work in. Maybe even just rip out the Latte theme and reinstall it, it might just need as little as that.

I could post a script I just did a bit ago that I use across my different OS on my laptop to save you some typing.
it just backs up changed files after the first run
#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [[ -f /etc/slackware-version ]] ; then
    distroname=$(sed 's/Slackware /Slackware-/' /etc/slackware-version)
elif [[ "FreeBSD" =~ "$( awk 'NR==1{print $1}' /etc/*release | cut -d = -f2 | xargs)" ]] ; then
    distroname="$(uname -a | awk '{print $1 "-" $3}')"
    distroname=$( awk 'NR==1{print $1}' /etc/*release | cut -d = -f2 | xargs)
if [[ -d /media/storage ]] ; then
    mkdir -pv "$dest"
    echo "directory /media/storage not present .. exiting..."

echo "$distroname
if [[ "$distroname"  =~ "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
    sudo chown -R userx:userx "$dest"
    mkdir -p $dest
    mkdir -p $dest/boot
    sudo cp -v /boot/loader.conf $dest/boot
    sudo cp -v /boot/device.hints /$dest/boot
    mkdir -p $dest/etc
    sudo cp -v /etc/rc.conf $dest/etc
    sudo cp -v /etc/sysctl.conf $dest/etc
    mkdir -p $dest/usr/local/etc
    sudo cp -v /usr/local/etc/sudoers $dest/usr/local/etc
    mkdir -pv $dest/etc/bluetooth
    sudo cp -v /etc/bluetooth/hcsecd.conf $dest/etc/bluetooth
    sudo cp -v /etc/bluetooth/hosts $dest/etc/bluetooth

rsync -a --info=progress --exclude="lost+found" --exclude=".cache" --exclude="snap" --exclude=".dbus" "$sorce" "$dest"
Well.. all I did was reinstall the nvidia drivers and everything went back to normal. However, Latte-Dock doesn't seem to startup when the system is rebooted. However if I log out and log in, it does startup like its supposed to. Not sure about that.
Well.. all I did was reinstall the nvidia drivers and everything went back to normal. However, Latte-Dock doesn't seem to startup when the system is rebooted. However if I log out and log in, it does startup like its supposed to. Not sure about that.
that's a tricky one. there are times I boot up Freebsd and x fails and I just reboot and its back . something that should not be happening. but its my laptop and I really don't feel like trouble shooting something that should not be happening , and it takes less time to reboot it.

though I'd say you will have to find where it is being triggered to start then try to figure out why it does not catch on the first try somewhere in the login manager is where I would start.
You could have overwritten your kld_list in rc.conf as well. I have accidentally done that and removed my i915 driver. Not even sure how it happened. But I had to correct the rc.conf. I think I just made a typo that overwrote the line. I had to put all the things back. Lol