AMD GPU driver has a serious bug introduced in 14.1

I ran 14.0 happily for many months on my AMD-based primary machine. It was absolutely reliable. After "upgrading"(?!) to 14.1, I am seeing one or two full system crashes/week. The crashes are clearly correlated with mouse events. Someone else has filed a bug report pointing the finger at the AMD GPU driver and I think he's right. I'm mentioning this here hoping it will help to get the attention of someone who can address this.problem, which is a show-stopper for me (I'm restoring my Clonezilla backup of the previous NixOS install as we speak).
I'm mentioning this here hoping it will help to get the attention of someone who can address this.problem
The best place for that is bugtracker where you already found the bug report. This is a user support forum, there are very few developers here.
I understand that. I already added a comment about what I've been seeing to the bug report.

But I would hope that the developers pay at least a bit of attention to what users are saying, in addition to the bug reports. Sometimes feedback that doesn't rise to the level of a bug can still be useful to developers intent on making the system better.
Sometimes feedback that doesn't rise to the level of a bug can still be useful to developers intent on making the system better.
That's why developers are also on the various mailing lists.
Someone else has filed a bug report pointing the finger at the AMD GPU driver
Can you give us the link, thank you.

... is a show-stopper for me
If it was working okay for you before the upgrade then you are probably in the same situation described in the following thread:

Long story short: just build the necessary ports, that's what I do.
Hope that helps, good luck.
I had crashes and other weird errors on 14.1 until I built and installed graphics/drm-61-kmod port. I have Radeon RX 6600 card.
Can you give us the link, thank you.

If it was working okay for you before the upgrade then you are probably in the same situation described in the following thread:

Long story short: just build the necessary ports, that's what I do.
Hope that helps, good luck.
Everything is working fine to me. In FreeBSD 14.1-p2 I use an AMD gpu and I use SDDM as login manager. . I compiled the ports and FreeBSD.
What AMD Radeon graphics card are you having issues with?
I have had major issues with kmod-515-drm driver after upgrading to FreeBSD 14.0 (worked fine with 13.x).
There is a known issue with the kmod-515-drm driver with certain Radeon cards such as the 6750XT and 5500XT (like mine) where the driver would cause hardware resets due to various conditions ( Down grading to kmod-510-drm (compiling from ports) or later upgrading to kmod-61-drm driver (again compiling from ports) did resolve the issues for me.

Please try compiling from ports either the kmod-510-drm or kmod-61-drm driver from ports. You will need the FreeBSD 14.x (/usr/src) sources as well as the ports tree (/usr/ports), checkout the FreeBSD handbook on website (it is quite helpful!).
1. Pull the sources for FreeBSD (FreeBSD chapter 26.6) and the ports tree (FreeBSD chapter 4.5) via Git (can install Git using pkg).
2. Use pkg to uninstall the existing drivers - do not reboot.
3. Compile the kmod-510-drm (usr/ports/graphics/drm-510-kmod) or kmod-61-drm (/usr/ports/graphics/drm-61-kmod) driver by using 'make install' inside the directory for the choosen driver (needs to be compilied using root or sudo).
4. Reboot (no need to change the rc.conf, the various drivers use the same config).

Try that, hopefully it will resolve your issues.