I've created a regular user, for desktop usage, on my laptop.
I added it to wheel group, so if I have to perform root's task I su to root.
As this is a laptop, I wana permit that user to also operate on wlan0 device.
So I could scan SSID's connect to them etc ...
I did added needed directives to devfs.rules, but ifconfig always thorws a permission denied.
man pages states, that ifconfig can only be used as a root.
There is also a port: wifimgr, whic is a GUI and it is notorious rule to not run X as a root.
And wifimgr can be run only as a root, which implies X usage.
This is very frustrating and contradictory!
I added it to wheel group, so if I have to perform root's task I su to root.
As this is a laptop, I wana permit that user to also operate on wlan0 device.
So I could scan SSID's connect to them etc ...
I did added needed directives to devfs.rules, but ifconfig always thorws a permission denied.
man pages states, that ifconfig can only be used as a root.
There is also a port: wifimgr, whic is a GUI and it is notorious rule to not run X as a root.
And wifimgr can be run only as a root, which implies X usage.
This is very frustrating and contradictory!