Solved after setting application default, PCManFM still renders right-click menu with old list

After updating the default for an application and confirming it is the default, PCManFM still renders the right-click open with menu with the old list. If I double-click, it opens with the default application as I expect, but it is just a bit misleading. Is there a file being cached somewhere? I am using i3, but I don't believe that comes into play here.

xdg-mime query default application/pdf
xdg-mime default org.gnome.Evince.desktop application/pdf
xdg-mime query default application/pdf

I have logged out and back in and restarted Xorg, but the menu persists.
Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. I think what that does is unfortunately put the list back. So, it appears to me that it generates the list based on what is available and that is fine. As long as I double-click or say open <file>, it will work as expected. If I right-click, then the full list is put back and that is okay.