Solved setup

FreeBsd 12.3-RELEASE-p6, Apache 2.4.54

So I've finally taken the plunge to replace the problematic security/py-certbot for fetching / installing my domains certificate. I've successfully installed security/, registered an account and issued one certificate for multiple domains.

To check all is well I issued --renewall --renew-hook "service apache2 force-reload" in the CLI which rightfully enough output the following ...

[Fri Oct 14 16:32:00 BST 2022] Renew: ''
[Fri Oct 14 16:32:00 BST 2022] Skip, Next renewal time is: 2022-12-12T17:06:12Z
[Fri Oct 14 16:32:00 BST 2022] Add '--force' to force to renew.
[Fri Oct 14 16:32:00 BST 2022] Skipped

However I then added the following CRON ...

/usr/local/sbin/ --cron --home /var/db/acme/ > /var/log/acme.cron.log

ran it to test and the log only contains this ...

[Fri Oct 14 16:30:48 BST 2022] ===Starting cron===
[Fri Oct 14 16:30:48 BST 2022] ===End cron===

which to me looks like it did nothing. Can anyone shed any light on this as I must have missed something here.
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You could raise error_level to see debug info in /var/log/

Also bear in mind that ~/ should run as your user, not root.
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I managed to solve the issue. Realised that the --home directory was wrong and all is working well now.
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Thanks I will look in to it. I sort have ssl uo with openssl. with a self signed certificate. Having sent all my clients away because of my issue. I am just back into a learning Mode in so far as I can learn
Mwh65, why don't you post what the correct entry is? As you can see, there are some who would like to know what was wrong. I remember an old article where they talk about searching for a fix to any problem, finally find someone who had the same problem, and eagerly read the thread to see, "Never mind, fixed it." While the author of the article said that the problem now changes to hunting said poster down and killing them, it was a humor article--this was before cracked sold out to a big company and fired all their writers.
I have to double check my statement ij understood the certificates he few. ( the work so so with email). but I had tp pay $10 a month membership. I could be wrong../