Other AClock in Window Maker?


I use the WindowMaker WM and want to have a clock that also depicts the actual time when docked.

x11-clocks/aclock is a nice looking option, but after installation with pkg install aclock and giving aclock in terminal, nothing happens -- the same for AClock (case sensitive).

-sh: aclock: not found

-sh: AClock: not found

whereis aclock gives no results. Re-installation gives the message that the program is already installed.

The website of AClock doesn't provide any further information.

Does anyone know how to get AClock running?

According to freshports, this package installs in a rather unusual place. Have you tried
/usr/local/GNUstep/System/Applications/AClock.app/AClock or /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Tools/AClock?
I've been using wmCalClock for just about forever. A digital clock over a day/date calendar.
The /usr/local/GNUstep/.... path is standard "GNUStep/OpenStep" install path for applications. aclock looks like it wants to pull in gnustep-back, gnustep-base, gnustep-gui and gnustep-make. One of these installs a script file that sets up paths for GNUstep applications.

I have this in my .xinitrc to source the GNUstep setup file. You may need to put it into .xsession or as an autostart.

. /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
According to freshports, this package installs in a rather unusual place. Have you tried
/usr/local/GNUstep/System/Applications/AClock.app/AClock or /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Tools/AClock?
TNX, found AClock in the unusual place you mentioned. Now working on it to get it running...
but after installation with pkg install aclock and giving aclock in terminal, nothing happens -- the same for AClock (case sensitive).
Next time having difficulties finding files installed by a package (port) execute pkg info -l <package_name> (or pkg(8) alias 'list'. See pkg alias for more aliases). It will list all files of the package (port) installed. The list can be piped through less(1) and searched or piped and grep(1)ed.
TNX, found AClock in the unusual place you mentioned. Now working on it to get it running...
Do not know, if that is any help here, but personally I am satisfied with x11-clocks/cairo-clock

I always did less /usr/ports/whatever/whatever/pkg-plist.
Some ports have a dynamically generated plist, pkg-plist could be empty or doesn't contain everything.

It's been a really long time since I last use WindowMaker but looking at the paths this application should "automagically" show up in the application menu. Although you might need to restart WindowMaker for it to get picked up.
It's been a really long time since I last use WindowMaker but looking at the paths this application should "automagically" show up in the application menu. Although you might need to restart WindowMaker for it to get picked up.

AClock doesn't do nothing, which is also reported on other sites. While other applications indeed 'automagically' show up in the application menu, this one doesn't.

My aim was an analog clock in the WM dock that showed the time in the dock. Just have to look further. Luckily x11-wm/windowmaker is for exploring, x11-wm/cwm or better: plain TTY is for production ;-)