Accessing device from inside jail / cryptsetup on FreeBSD


I'm trying to access a device at "low level" from inside a Debian jail. I created the jail using this howto, without any problems:

What I'm really going to do is to use cryptsetup inside the jail:

debian:~# ls -lahtr container_file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 250M Dec 4 14:25 container_file
debian:~# cryptsetup luksFormat container_file

This will overwrite data on container_file irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
mlockall failed: Operation not permitted
WARNING!!! Possibly insecure memory. Are you root?
Enter LUKS passphrase:
Verify passphrase:
Command failed: Unable to obtain sector size for container_file

Looking at the source code shows that the problem occours, because I'm not allowed to open the device (read only):

int sector_size_for_device(const char *device)
        int fd = open(device, O_RDONLY);
        int r;
        if(fd < 0)
                return -EINVAL;
        r = sector_size(fd);
        return r;

Other Problems relating to the same permission problems:

debian:~# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/ada0s4

This will overwrite data on /dev/ada0s4 irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
mlockall failed: Operation not permitted
WARNING!!! Possibly insecure memory. Are you root?
Command failed: Can not access device

debian:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/ada0s4
mke2fs 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
/dev/ada0s4 is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
/dev/ada0s4: Operation not permitted while setting up superblock

So there seems no way to access the devices, even not for read.

This is my jail config:
root@workstation:~ # cat /jailz/etc/jail.conf
debian {
 path = /jailz/debian;
 devfs_ruleset = 0;
 enforce_statfs = 0;
 host.hostname = debian;
 ip4.addr =;
 interface = lo0;
 exec.start = "/etc/init.d/rc 3";
 exec.stop = "/etc/init.d/rc 0";

Any ideas what other permissions I could set?
Or is this even possible from inside a jail?
If I update permissions in /etc/devfs.conf:
own    ada0* root:operator
perm   ada0* 0666

and in /etc/devfs.rules:
add path 'ada0*' unhide
add path 'ada0*' mode 0777

I got those new permissions on the devices but still I'm not allowed to access them?

root@workstation:~ # ls -lahtr /dev/ada0*
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x9b  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s4.eli
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x94  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s4
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x9e  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s3d.eli
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x9a  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s3d
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x99  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s3b
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x98  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s3a
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x8b  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s3
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x8a  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s2
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x89  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s1
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x88  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator   0x86  4 Dez. 12:57 /dev/ada0s3b.eli

debian:/# ls -lahtr /dev/ada0*
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 155 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s4.eli
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 148 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s4
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 158 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s3d.eli
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 154 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s3d
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 153 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s3b
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 152 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s3a
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 139 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s3
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 138 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s2
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 137 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s1
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 136 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0
crwxrwxrwx 1 root tty 0, 134 Dec  4 12:57 /dev/ada0s3b.eli