A message from the BSD gods?

I’ve been interested for a while in trying OpenIndiana, since it comes from the other side of the Unix tree, and it would be interesting to see how it differs from the BSDs.

I am running into all sorts of problems trying to install it, and I am beginning to wonder if this is the BSD gods sending me a message.
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What exactly are you trying to figure out? Aside from a few fundamental differences (or features); BSD and System V are essentially cousins. BSD being an extension to original Research Unix.
What exactly are you trying to figure out? Aside from a few fundamental differences (or features); BSD and System V are essentially cousins. BSD being an extension to original Research Unix.
The startup system looks more like Linux (IIRC, I haven't used Linux in a while). In any case, I have always heard good things about Solaris, so I wanted to see what it looks like. But I have been using FreeBSD for a while, so I'm not planning to change.
The Solaris derivatives today seem to lack sufficient personpower for the large and complex codebase they have. Just my observation. I would have concerns about keeping up with security for starters.

Also, SunOS 4 forever!
openindiana is dead.


Raresh Rus (nmariusp) is a senior C++ developer who started programming for the KDE community in April 2022.

Other videos by nmariusp include:
  • Install FreeBSD 14.1 and KDE Plasma 6 in QEMU VM tutorial - June 2024 - 2da0c933

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