They say memory is the first thing to go... Here's my old uberkomplex.
com bot site with working CSS buttons, which were at the time valid code by the WC3 tag.
Raising Bots To New Heights
The shading in the validated code above still works, too. Cutting "hover" broke the press action, but it doesn't change your cursor now.
I checked it out.
Don't miss the "BotoErotica" bot/human transcript with my Personality Forge bot Siseneg, who is online 24/7 at the Forge.
Edit: I couldn't find the code to that page but here's how I stacked buttons of a wider width in another site version:
<td align="right" width="113">
<div class="button">
<a href="izezi2.html" title="HAL Child Machine" target="main">HAL</a>
<a href="alice2.html" title="ALICE" target="main">ALICE</a>
<a href="forge.html" title="The Personality Forge" target="main">The Forge</a>
<a href="explain.html" title="NLP vs CBR" target="main">NLP vs CBR</a>
<a href="voc.html" title="Visions of Chaos" target="main">VoC</a>
<a href="quat.html" title="Quat" target="main">Quat</a>
<a href="enter.html" title="Gallery Intro" target="main">Fractiles</a>
<a href="link02.html" title="Links" target="main">Links</a>
<a href="" title="W3C Valid CSS">Valid CSS</a>
<a href="" title="W3C Valid XHTML 1.1">Valid XHTML 1.1</a>
Edit: Here is how I implemented the buttons on the bot site. These are smaller, and by memory, the trick was to combine the valid CSS code above with the XHTML width factor to get a different width on a button:
Solar Storm Monitor
<br />
<h5>Space<br /> Weather</h5>
<div class="button">
<a href="Solar4.html" title="Solar Storm Monitor with real-time solar storm status from NASA and NOAA satellites" target="main">Storm Monitor</a>
<a href="storm1.html" title="The dynamics of the Sun, solar storms, and solar wind" target="main">Solar Storms</a>
<a href="tenothree.html" title="The largest solar flares ever recorded" target="main">Mega-Flare</a>
<a href="bulletins.html" title="Space weather bulletins issued by the Space Environment Center" target="main">Bulletins</a>
<a href="TRACE.html" title="The NASA Transition Region And Coronal Explorer" target="main">TRACE</a>
<br />
This code does not use tables, only div and the CSS.
What you are calling CSS buttons on the FreeBSD site are completely different than mine, and had
Snurg not referred to the fontcontainer as CSS buttons I never would have recognized them as such from looking at the site or code.