Sorry to revive an old thread, but the problem is still current for FreeBSD 10.1. Fortunately, I did a little digging+testing and I have a solution (at least, it's good for me).
It's my understanding that the
.serverauth.123 files are created during the X server startup, and they are deleted when it exits normally. My FreeBSD desktop rebooted by itself without any warning quite a few times (off-topic issue for this post) preventing the X server from exiting normally. For me, these files were created by
, a
script in the
/usr/local/bin/ directory.
does quite a few things, perhaps good for full blown complex system, but for a simple desktop, the default parameters for commands are usually good enough.
So, in the first few lines of the
script, you'll see:
I set it to
0 and the errors/warnings magically went away.