3+ Monitors

I am looking for a solution to use 3 monitors on FreeBSD. At the moment I use a HD 6870 on Windows/Linux but this isn't possible on FreeBSD due to the card requiring KMS.

I was thinking of buying 2x GeForce 9800 GT's, but I am unsure if I will be able to configure this correctly to have 3 separate workspaces not one spread across all the monitors as I will be using i3-wm.

Does anyone have a setup like this, or can give advice.

I read an article a while back that FreeBSD doesn't support SLI yet. If that is what you are trying to do with the 2 9800's.
I've been using dual monitors for a few years on fbsd FreeBSD. Recently switched jobs and some additional responsibilities have me considering the increase to tri-monitors. Being used to researching things before attempting them I went to the nvidia documentation:


SLI is reported as "supported" and step by step instructions for configuration is provided. Probably a good idea to read more of docs before I proceed with the build but I hope this helps you on your way.
Yes it's possible and you don't need SLI for this, since you want separate workspaces per video output. I was able to do this before; you need to set it up in xorg.conf. It was really simple, but it was while ago and I can't remember what I did exactly.

But at least you know it can be done. :)

edit: I forgot to say I used two nvidia cards, not radeon. Not sure about radeon.